Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Deviant Behavior Social, Psychological, And...

Deviant behavior is a paradoxical anomaly in relation to the definitions and explanations amongst the sociological community and society alike. However, it is decided that at the core deviant behavior is a behavior that does not correspond with social norms and may even generate negative responses (Thio, Schwartz, and Taylor 3). Prostitution, commonly yet mistakenly known as the oldest profession in the world, is a behavior that many individuals around the world find deviant. Essentially, prostitution is the exchange of sexual activities for payments, generally of a monetary value (Thio et. al., 227) For the most part, prostitution is a legal activity around the world. Only a few outliers, such as the United States, consider prostitution†¦show more content†¦Individuals that broke these regulations were sanctioned with fines and public dishonor (Deady 523). However, in the United States, a movement in support of criminalizing prostitution known as the â€Å"White Slave Trad e† began to take shape. The â€Å"White Slave Trade† was the concept that numerous young Caucasian women were being taken from home and forced into sex work (Deady 524). The hysteria induced by the â€Å"White Slave Trade† prompted the creation of the 1910 The Mann Act. Essentially, this act penalized any individual who abetted or assisted in the transportation of a woman/ girl for a prohibited purpose (Deady 525). The Mann Act was shortly followed by the Standard Vice Repression Law of 1919 which blatantly outlawed prostitution as a whole in the United States (Deady 525). There is one exception to this 1919 law, and that is the state of Nevada. Nevada still allows prostitution to exist however, brothels as well as their employees are subjected to strict rules and regulations in order to stay in operation (Deady 525). From a cultural perspective, prostitution in the United States is viewed as a deviant behavior due to three main issues: violence, sexual exploitat ion/ trafficking, and health of prostitutes. Violence and prostitution go hand in hand. Studies have shown that individuals who participate in prostitution are at greaterShow MoreRelatedTheories on Crime1253 Words   |  5 Pageschallenges in developing theories that explain human behavior. In relation to crime, human behavior varies because participants differ in backgrounds, experiences, and characteristics. However, several criminologists and other social scientists have made important contributions in explaining criminal behavior. These contributions have mainly involved the establishment of several theories on crime that focus on various aspects of criminal behavior. 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