Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Plato s System Of Metaphysics - 1049 Words
Adrian Farrales Introduction to Philosophy Metaphysics 11/6/14 Plato’s system of metaphysics revolves around the concept of Eidos, or forms. A form is the perfect and truest instance of a particular idea. In the world, we find particular instances of each form. For example, a certain pen is a particular instance of the form of pen. Every single pen in the world contributes to the form of pen. This contribution of particulars to the forms is called mathexis in Greek, or simply, participation. The participation of all particulars help to define and derive common characteristics of the form. Using the pen example, all pens function as a writing utensil, usually contain some form of ink, and generally are cylindrical. Every pen is somewhat imperfect and has flaws of some sort. Regarding ontology, these forms are the highest level of reality and the purest form of existence, while the particulars are imperfect and cheap imitations. Regarding our senses, Plato believed that the world we live in, that is the world of particulars, is an illusion because the most real world would be the world of the forms. Thus our senses are not accurate and our sense perceptions are merely copies of the forms. Plato exemplifies this in the allegory of the cave, portraying a false sense of reality. Plato believed that these forms are innate to human beings, as we were born with them. By doing philosophy, we undergo a process of recollection of these forms, ultimatelyShow MoreRelatedThe Reign Of Ancient Greek Philosophers982 Words  | 4 Pagesguardian. His sister s, Arimneste, husband became his guardian until he was legally old enough to take care of himself. Around the age of 17, he was sent to Athens to get an education. Athens was known as the academic core of the world. Aristotle enrolled in Plato s academy and was one of the top scholars. Plato s academy was one of the top learning centers at the time. Aristotle formed a relationship with Plato, who was a Greek philosopher, and taught at the academy for 20 years. Plato died in 347 BRead MoreGreek And Classical Greek Philosophy997 Words  | 4 Pagesseveral city-states, which ran separately and independent from each other. However, they shared commonalities, such as common ancestry, language, and festivals. Foreigners were all considered barbarians to the Greek. Greek Culture is reflected in today s Society in many ways. These ways include mathematics, government, medicine, art, and architecture. Without Greek Culture, we would not have the idea of mathematical proof or geometry, which are still used today. Without Greek Culture, we also wouldnRead MoreThe Utility Of Myth : Plato s Metaphysics1624 Words  | 7 PagesThe Utility of Myth in Plato’s Metaphysics ï » ¿Plato speaking from the mouth of Socrates in Phaedo, tells us, â€Å"people are likely not to be aware that those who pursue philosophy aright study nothing but dying and being dead.†(61a) As a philosopher Plato sought to offer not only descriptions of the world him around, but prescriptions as well. The above quote when understood metaphorically, for him, shows the aim of philosophy, and goal of the philosopher is and should be to scratch at the surface ofRead MoreGreece s Impact On The World1360 Words  | 6 Pagesneeded. In result to the â€Å"breakup†between Britain, the first order of government in the United States was influenced by the Athens- the cradle of democracy. Ancient democracy was constructed in Athens around 594 B.C following the reform of Solon. The system was termed as direct democracy, meaning that every male Athenian citizen was deemed the right to participate in conferences, vote in law constructing assemblies and other political decisio ns. The name democracy, comes from Demos-people Kratos-powerRead MoreStudent Teacher1669 Words  | 7 Pagesmolding the society as a whole. The education system of ancient India and Greece shared some common characteristics. In both cultures, teachers and their disciples conglomerated at specific places earmarked for educational purposes. This is where students gained both spiritual and material education from their teachers. All ancient societies functioned according to a set of moral codes and social hierarchy and teachers were at the apex of the social system. During this time, teachers were revered andRead MorePlato Vs Aristotle On Politics And Philosophy1899 Words  | 8 PagesPlato versus Aristotle Plato and Aristotle, two philosophers in the 4th century, hold polar views on politics and philosophy in general. This fact is very cleverly illustrated by Raphael s School of Athens (1510-11; Stanza della Segnatura, Vatican), where Plato is portrayed looking up to the higher forms; and Aristotle is pointing down because he supports the natural sciences. In a discussion of politics, the stand point of each philosopher becomes an essential factor. It is not coincidental thatRead MoreHistorical Events That Took Place During The Classical Period1458 Words  | 6 Pagesexceeds in confidence is rash, and he who exceeds in fear falls short in confidence is a coward†(Aristotle 1222). It is lessons like this that would have molded the charisma and leadership skills of Alexander. While Alexander was a firm supporter of Plato s academy he also encouraged Aristotle to set up his own institution. This eventually lead to the creation of Aristotle’s own school located in Athens, where her himself taught for twelve years, called Lyceum. Ancient Greece of Aristotle’s time consistedRead MoreExplain the Criticisms of Platos Theory of the Forms.1584 Words  | 7 Pagesworld of forms. This world, to Plato, is more real than the one we live in. His theory is shown in his Allegory of the Cave (from The Republic, Book VII), where the prisoners only live in what they think is a real world, but really it is a shadow of reality. According to Plato, to the prisoners in the allegory and to humanity in the material world truth would be literally nothing but shadows and he believes us to be as ignorant as the people in the cave. Plato followed the belief that in orderRead MoreEssay on Boethius and Platos God1026 Words  | 5 PagesPlato was born in Athens, Greece around 427 B.C. He was always interested in politics, until he witnessed his mentor and teacher, Socrates, death. After learning of the callousness of politics, Plato changed his mind and eventually opened up The Academy, which is considered if not the first, one of the first Universities. Students at the Academy studied many different fields of science, including biological and astronomical. The students also studied many other fields, such as math. Plato developedRead MorePhilosophy C100 Quiz 121572 Words  | 7 Pagesstatements about Plato and Aristotle are/were true?  | They were interested in practically every subject then known. |  | They spoke (and wrote) intelligently on philosophical topics. |  | One or the other (or both) formed the metaphysics for Christian theology up to the present day. | X | All of the above. | 16.  According to the text, the first comprehensive theory of knowledge was developed by  | Aristotle. |  | the Sophists |  | the Cynics |  X | Plato | 17.  In Platos
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Deviant Behavior Social, Psychological, And...
Deviant behavior is a paradoxical anomaly in relation to the definitions and explanations amongst the sociological community and society alike. However, it is decided that at the core deviant behavior is a behavior that does not correspond with social norms and may even generate negative responses (Thio, Schwartz, and Taylor 3). Prostitution, commonly yet mistakenly known as the oldest profession in the world, is a behavior that many individuals around the world find deviant. Essentially, prostitution is the exchange of sexual activities for payments, generally of a monetary value (Thio et. al., 227) For the most part, prostitution is a legal activity around the world. Only a few outliers, such as the United States, consider prostitution†¦show more content†¦Individuals that broke these regulations were sanctioned with fines and public dishonor (Deady 523). However, in the United States, a movement in support of criminalizing prostitution known as the â€Å"White Slave Trad e†began to take shape. The â€Å"White Slave Trade†was the concept that numerous young Caucasian women were being taken from home and forced into sex work (Deady 524). The hysteria induced by the â€Å"White Slave Trade†prompted the creation of the 1910 The Mann Act. Essentially, this act penalized any individual who abetted or assisted in the transportation of a woman/ girl for a prohibited purpose (Deady 525). The Mann Act was shortly followed by the Standard Vice Repression Law of 1919 which blatantly outlawed prostitution as a whole in the United States (Deady 525). There is one exception to this 1919 law, and that is the state of Nevada. Nevada still allows prostitution to exist however, brothels as well as their employees are subjected to strict rules and regulations in order to stay in operation (Deady 525). From a cultural perspective, prostitution in the United States is viewed as a deviant behavior due to three main issues: violence, sexual exploitat ion/ trafficking, and health of prostitutes. Violence and prostitution go hand in hand. Studies have shown that individuals who participate in prostitution are at greaterShow MoreRelatedTheories on Crime1253 Words  | 5 Pageschallenges in developing theories that explain human behavior. In relation to crime, human behavior varies because participants differ in backgrounds, experiences, and characteristics. However, several criminologists and other social scientists have made important contributions in explaining criminal behavior. These contributions have mainly involved the establishment of several theories on crime that focus on various aspects of criminal behavior. Some of the major theories on crime include classicalRead MoreEssay on The Link Between Friendship and Moral Development4404 Words  | 18 Pagesissues each of which has a unique effect on moral development. Friendship and peer groups in particular play an indisputable role in helping to shape the path of mora l development in children and adolescents. In evaluating various philosophical and psychological perspectives on morality, two principal arguments emerge concerning the link between friendship and moral development: in the first argument, friendships act as a positive force in fostering moral development, as they provide a background uponRead MoreEssay on Criminological Theories13456 Words  | 54 PagesChapter 4. Chapter 5. Chapter 6. Chapter 7. Chapter 8. Chapter 9. Chapter 10. Chapter 11. Chapter 12. Introduction to Criminological Theory Deterrence and Rationale Choice Theories Biological Theories Psychological Theories Social Learning Theory Social Bonding and Control Theories Labeling Theory Social Disorganization, Anomie, and Strain Theories Conflict Theory Marxist and Critical Theories Feminist Theories Integrating Criminological Theories 4 7 11 15 18 22 25 28 32 35 38 41 3 Chapter 1 Read MoreLabel Theory4470 Words  | 18 Pagescriminal behavior and making the crime problem worse. They believe that the criminal justice system is dangerous in the sense that it is casting the net of social control too widely. Labeling theorist is concern with how the self identity and behavior of an individual is influenced by how that person is label and portrayed by others in society, and just like beauty, deviance is seen in the eyes of the beholder. There is nothing inherently deviant in any human act, something is deviant only becauseRead MoreEssay on Sexism and the Contribution of Confucianism to China2191 Words  | 9 PagesI. Introduction A. Background The contribution to the idea of sexism manifested through belief of Confucianism and aids the identification of the controversial need to identify gender roles and the Chinese perspective of womens rights in modern China. II. Identification of Gender Roles            A. Taboo             1.Assignment of a Functional Role            2.Allocation of Roles            B. Why a Woman Cant Be More Like a Man?            1. Vive la Diffà ©rence     Read MoreThe Biblical Perspectives of Crime4108 Words  | 16 Pagesï » ¿Crime and Biblical Perspectives Crime and violence is rampant throughout the world. Laws exist to maintain order and peace and provide for the safety and well-being of all members of society. Acts that disrupt and threaten this system of order are deemed criminal in nature and are punishable by law. It is believed that criminal types operate from a self-centered framework that shows little, if any regard, for the safety and well-being of others (Merton, 2006). Christianity teaches us that crimeRead More Are Criminals Born or Made? Essay1890 Words  | 8 Pagesattempted to refute such notions. In an epidemiological context, the act of crime is seen by some as a positive contribution to society, as noted by Durkheim (Kirby et al, 2000), although too much will lead to social instability, or anomie. In contrariety to Durkheims beliefs, a Marxist perspective would consider the mere notion of capitalism as criminal; thus deeming the vast majority of global society to be in a constant state of anomie. However, there is still much dispute as to whether people areRead MoreMotivation Essay2972 Words  | 12 Pagesin hierarchies†as quoted in his publication of A Theory of Human Motivation in 1943 (p.370). In hierarchical order physiological needs which entails food, water, shelter and warmth. Safety needs refers to security, stability and freedom from fear. Social needs include the need for affection and friendships. Esteem needs refers to ego needs, recognition and respect. Finally, Self-actualisation, realisation of ones full potential ‘becoming everything that one is capable of becoming.’ â€Å"When one set ofRead MoreThe Capacity Of Two Theories2525 Words  | 11 Pagesreared apart and molecular genetic studies (Raine, 2002). The theory of Positivism replaces the ‘rational man’ with the ‘criminal type’ (Treadwell, 2006) by assuming there is a division between the normal and the deviant. It aims to categorise criminals based on biological, psychological or social differences (Bohm, Vogel, 2010). The classifications are established by studying the specific factors that develop criminal behaviour (White, Hains, Asquith, 2012). For instance, one study highlights the importanceRead MoreCRM 1301 Midterm uOttawa Carolyn Gordon Essay10218 Words  | 41 Pagesï » ¿The Demonic Perspective Trephining Individual who were having illusions or were delusional had a hole drilled in their skull in order to get rid of the spirits. If that person was still alive, the procedure was successful Witchcraft Correlated with ‘The Crucible’ where Tituba, Sarah Good Sarah Osborne are accused of witchcraft in Salem, 1692 What to do with the witches?! Exodus 22:18- Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live Leviticus 20:27- A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Singaporean are Shifting to Online Market Free Sample for Students
Question: You are a Journalist at The Straits Times and your Editor has assigned you to Conceptualize and Write a Special Feature Exploring this topic through the Eyes of the Consumers. Answer: The Shoppers' Paradise is Dead ; Singaporean ar Shifting to online Maarket Singapore is losing its name as the Shoppers Paradise as more retail outlets are getting shattered. The malls are becoming empty as more shops are closing down. Empty store front can become even common sights the prime districts and locations of Singapore. Once framed as shopping heaven, Singapore can go out of its track and the malls and stores can become completely empty. The declination has been evident in all the major shopping places like Orchard Road, where the malls were opulence and grandeur of new and refurbished malls. Similar situation is evident in every mall in Singapore. Interviewing three regular consumers from Singapore, some vital information regarding the declining condition of the malls and other consumers outlets have been known. Jacqueline, 22, shared her view on this. She explained that it is preferable for her to carry out online shopping rather than visiting the shops at malls. Everyone is busy in their lives and they are looking for better scopes to reduce the time they have to spend. She made a number of valid points stating that boys and girls of her age have to manage their time very efficiently. This is the time when one has to focus on their education to build up a better career for them. Spending time with friends is another major look out of the people belonging to this age group. Online shopping gives them all the opportunities to shop anywhere and anytime. In addition to this, huge discounts and offers are also available when it comes to online shopping. So why spend extra money and time on shopping at the various outlets and stor es in malls. Similar kind of response was gained, when Ryan, 34 was asked to share his perspective. He told that the Malls do not provide variety of things that he desires. The local brands are not attractive enough for him. He also shared his experience why he dislikes malls and shopping in various outlets. He embraced the fact that the malls remain crowded and he has to wait for his turn to make any purchase. This is quite boring and time consuming for him. In comparison to it, if Ryan make online purchase, his problems are easily over shadowed and he gets various opportunities in making purchase. Online shopping gives varieties of choice to make from. Unlike malls and other outlets, there remains the chance of selecting from a huge number of brands and labels. One can easily compare and contrast the product with the other and make wiser decision before purchasing a product. Again, he has commented that very often it happens that he end up meeting someone who he does not want to confront. These situations are common if you visit a mall. On this note, we all have to agree with Ryan. When asked Grace, 42, she has to share something else. Her response showed the emotional side of the declining condition of the number of malls in Singapore. She exclaimed that personally she likes to visit malls and shop and try out different outfits or any other accessories. She is actually saddened with the declining condition of the malls and the empty spaces all around. She used to enjoy the crowd and meeting people at malls. However, she has a family and a fourteen year old daughter who is not like her and do not feel like visiting malls very often. Grace further emphasized that her daughter keeps on ordering stuffs online all throughout the day. She indeed accept the fact that with the advent of online shopping, things have become much sorted and easy to purchase or exchange, but the essence of personal touch that the physical outlets provides to the shopaholics cannot be provided by automatic operated computerized system. With this, a 362 degree angle of the various reasons behind the decreasing crowd and increasing empty stores in malls have been recognized. The advent of online shopping can be easily regarded as the major reason behind the empty mall. However, other problems that people face when they have to visit a mall including parking their cards, the less cool and happening place to hang around with family and friends. The current situation has lead to the condition where if one has to go to a mall, the person has to convince others to accompany them. We can easily assume that the craze for malls and shopping outlets has been decreasing. The malls located in the Orchard have been considered as the trap for the tourists. The stores charge everyone with premium pricing and thus, increasing the actual price of the product by many fold. People are not fool to spend extra amount of money for the same thing that they can get at a much lesser price. This has automatically declined the number of window shopper at the various sites of Singapore. Online purchasing has given the opportunity to the consumers to purchase anything at any point of time. The travelers are also no longer found to do shopping in Singapore because they can easily compare the price and the brand of the things and can be judgmental enough to decide that, there remains better opportunity for them to make purchase from other platforms. It has also been found that the man power at the retail stores has also declined. This is the strategy that the retailers have undertaken to reduce the rate of the products. This has automatically hampered the employment of the country. People who want to pursue their career in the retail sector has no option left for them but to think of other better ways to live a better life. E-commerce is definitely the future of commerce and people are exceptionally relying on online shopping. In fact, the options that consumers are getting in online platform are lucrative enough to attract more consumers in this platform. There is no doubt that retailing is at the verge of existence. Bibliography: Breznitz, D., Palermo, V. (2013). A strategic advantage with behavioral targeting? How can (and what) firms benefit from personal data-based online marketing strategies. InProceedings of the 35th DRUID Celebration Conference. Johari, T., (2016) Seven reasons why shopping malls might not exist Retrieved from: [Accessed on: 29-3-2017] Koh, W. T. Yuszof, N., (2016) No buzz in Orchard Roads increasingly vacant malls Retrieved from: [Accessed on: 29-3-2017] Vinerean, S., Cetina, I., Dumitrescu, L., Tichindelean, M. (2013). The effects of social media marketing on online consumer behavior.International Journal of Business and Management,8(14), 66.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Pert Essay Example
Pert Essay Planning and control–Critical Path Method (CPM) amp; Progamme Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) Explain what is meant by the Critical Path Method (CPM) and the Programme Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT), as used in project planning and control? Department A is performing a system upgrade project with the following tasks, duration and task dependency relationships. Critical Path Method (CPM) The critical path method (CPM) is a step-by-step technique for process planning that defines critical and non-critical tasks with the goal of avoid time-frame problems and process bottlenecks.The CPM is ideally suited to projects consisting of many activities that interact in a complex method. Programme evaluation and review technique (PERT) The programme evaluation and review technique, or PERT as it is universally known, had its origins in planning and controlling major defence projects in the US Navy. PERT had its most spectacular gains in the highly uncertain environment of s pace and defence projects. The technique know that activity period and costs in project management are not decision and that probability theory can be applied to estimates, as was mentioned earlier.In this type of network each activity period is estimated on an optimistic, a most likely and a pessimistic basis. CPM and PERT are project planning and control. 5 5 4 4 2 2 2 3 1 1 1 Start 6 6 3 3 2 1 End 1 the project duration is 9 days Task 1,2,4,5,6 are critical path. Task 3 is not in critical path , If task 3 delayed for 2 days will be no effect in the critical path. If crash project schedule to 8 days, we have to employ labor and over time to work in the task.
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