Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, Obsessive Compulsive Spectrum Disorders, and the P.A.N.D.A.S. Conne :: Biology Essays Research Papers
Over the top Compulsive Disorders, Obsessive Compulsive Spectrum Disorders, and the P.A.N.D.A.S. Association As somebody who's been tormented by an Obsessive Compulsive Spectrum Disorder since adolescence, I can say it appears to be sad now and again. For such a long time a victim feels that what they have is definitely not an authentic illness and that he is separated from everyone else in his fight. Fortunately, as of late, increasingly more exploration is being done on Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, and more answers are being found. Over the top Compulsive Disorders are the fourth most regular mental determination. Once in a while the beginning of side effects is unexpected, however as a rule it is a steady movement. Accelerating occasions that could spike the beginning of an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder can incorporate enthusiastic pressure (local or employment related), expanded degrees of obligation, medical issues, and loss. As indicated by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fourth Edition, the basic highlights of an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder are intermittent fixation or impulses that are sufficiently serious to be tedious (i.e.: they take over an hour out of each day) or cause checked pain or noteworthy impedance. Eventually over the span of the confusion, the individual has perceived the fixations or impulses are inordinate or preposterous. Note this is troublesome concerning youngsters since kids tend to not understand that their impulses are inordinate or outlandish while grow n-ups do ((1) .). Individuals create impulses by attempting to overlook musings or driving forces, or by attempting to kill them with different contemplations or activities. Impulses are mental acts, and incorporate rehashing words, requesting things, hand washing, and different movements. The objective of these impulses is to forestall or diminish nervousness. Since Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI's, for example, Prozac, Luvox, Zoloft, and Paxil are successful in controlling Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, it's accepted that serotonin guideline is a piece of the reason for OCD. Serotonin is a significant compound envoy in the cerebrum, and assumes a job in an individual's mind-set, hostility, motivation control, rest, hunger, internal heat level, and torment. Cerebrum imaging contemplates have delineated different variations from the norm in parts of the minds of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder victims. These parts incorporate the caudate core, the basil ganglia, the thalamus, orbital cortex, and cingulated gyrus. Disarranges that have the over the top urgent manifestations of meddling, tedious practices are regularly called OC Spectrum Disorders. Among these incorporate Trichotillomania, Monosyruptomatic Hypochondriasis, Body Dismorphic Disorder, and some dietary issues.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Free Essays on Histroy Of Gospel Music
permitted the individuals who couldn't peruse the chance to take part in adore. Good news of that time created no composed music, no attractive characteristics like a show. To acquaint this music with a group of people was to transform it, possibly out of all acknowledgment. The development of Gospel was a period of exceptional Christian restoration. â€Å"While energetic messages were being lectured huge gatherings in the expanding new urban areas of North America, the Pentecostal dark networks increased. Nearby the broadly sorted out foundations, the dark ghettos sustained free churches.†(Petrie) Here the African-American admirers delighted in the since a long time ago settled conventions of spontaneous creation in lesson and music, the consistent discourse among minister and gathering formalized in melodic examples of call-and-reaction, and sooner or later the yell actuating music and danc... Free Essays on Histroy Of Gospel Music Free Essays on Histroy Of Gospel Music The Origin of Gospel Music Gospel music is a subsidiary of Negro spirituals. Gospel music is considered to have started in the United States, now and then in the nineteenth century, first showing up in print in 1874 with the distribution of â€Å"Gospel Songs†by Philip Bliss. The word Gospel is gotten from of â€Å"God†and â€Å"spell.†The significance of Gospel is â€Å"good news.†Gospel music is holy music. The class is recognized principally by suddenness and familiarity. It is people music which recommends that it and its mainstream partners are significantly impacted by one another. The same amount of the contemporary gospel music of today seems like R and B and Hip-Hop, so did the greater part of the early gospel music sound like the Blues. So as to contact the broadest conceivable crowd, there are no style limitations on gospel music; just the topical substance stays consistent. Coming out of an oral convention, gospel music commonly uses a lot of redundancy. This is a vestige from when many post-Reconstruction blacks couldn't peruse. The reiteration of the words permitted the individuals who couldn't peruse the chance to take an interest in adore. Good news of that time delivered no composed music, no attractive characteristics like a show. To acquaint this music with a crowd of people was to transform it, conceivably out of all acknowledgment. The development of Gospel was a period of phenomenal Christian recovery. â€Å"While ardent lessons were being lectured huge gatherings in the expanding new urban areas of North America, the Pentecostal dark networks increased. Close by the broadly sorted out foundations, the dark ghettos sustained autonomous churches.†(Petrie) Here the African-American admirers delighted in the since a long time ago settled customs of spontaneous creation in message and music, the nonstop discourse among minister and assemblage formalized in melodic examples of call-and-reaction, and sooner or later the yell prompting music and danc...
Monday, August 10, 2020
How to Cite YouTube and Other Videos in APA Format
How to Cite YouTube and Other Videos in APA Format Student Resources APA Style and Writing Print How to Cite YouTube Videos in APA Format By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Updated on August 07, 2019 damircudic/Getty Images More in Student Resources APA Style and Writing Study Guides and Tips Careers In This Article Table of Contents Expand APA Format for a YouTube Video Common Questions Citing a Video Podcast Other Basic APA Rules to Follow View All Back To Top APA format is the official writing style format used by the American Psychological Association. Researchers use this style when publishing articles in professional journals. Students also use this style when writing papers for psychology and many other social science courses including education and sociology. Video content is becoming an increasingly important source of information, so how exactly would you cite something like a YouTube video or other online video in APA format? One challenge that students may face is figuring out how to cite different types of sources. A citation for a book reference, for example, will look somewhat different than that of an online source. APA Format for a YouTube Video The APA format for online videos is similar to that of other types of digital media and online content. The format you use should look like this: Basic Video Citation: Author, F. N. [Screen name]. (year, month day). Title of video. [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.webaddress/include/full/url/ Some types of electronic sources need to be surrounded by brackets. According to the APAs official style guide, the brackets should surround the necessary content with no spaces between the text and the brackets [like this]. Because many online video creators utilize pseudonyms online, you should include the author’s screen name in brackets. Common Questions As you can see from just looking at the basic format, there might be times that you will run into questions about how to include the required information. What if the author’s screen name is spelled wrong? Online users often have all types of screen names, some that conform to grammar and spelling rules and some that do not. When citing a YouTube or other video, always type the creator’s screen name exactly as it appears, including both spelling and capitalization. What if the author’s full name is not listed? In this case, just include the uploader’s screen name, but do not put it in brackets. Video With No Author Listed: PsychologyRules22. (2018, June 7). Psychology is life. [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v939027757802937 Why is it so important to include the screen name? On YouTube and many other video websites, users must publish their content under a screen name. Sometimes users might create a screen name that is exactly the same as their real name, but it most cases, users create some type of name that represents the content they post or some other personal characteristics. In order for other people to find a specific video, they might be able to search the video title and find what they are looking for, but in many cases, people also need to screen name or user name in order to locate the right channel or video. Should video content be used as a reference? Whether videos are allowed as sources depends on the guidelines your instructor gives you. If you are unsure, ask. There are many reasons why you might want to cite a YouTube video in your writing. The video may contain information not available elsewhere, may feature an interview with an expert on a topic, or may present unique examples that you want to refer to in your paper. What about including the name of the interview subject in the reference? If the name of the person who is interviewed is not mentioned in the title of the video, do not include it in the reference. One way to get the information across is to refer to the name of the interview subject in the text where you cite the reference. For example, Philip Zimbardo noted that... (Psych Interview, 2013). Citing a Video Podcast Video podcasts are another type of video format that you may want to cite at some point. Such podcasts often feature interviews with experts on various topics, which can be a great source of unique information for your paper. If you are citing a video podcast, whether it is hosted on YouTube or published on the author’s own website, use the following format: Video Podcast Example James, S. (Producer). (2019, March 1). Examining the bystander effect [Episode 9]. This Week in Psychology. Podcast retrieved from http://www.psyyweekly.com As you can see in the example above, you should begin by listing the author, then identifying them as the producer of the program in parentheses. Next, include the date, the title of the episode, and the episode number in brackets. This should then be followed by the name of the video podcast and URL of the website where the podcast was retrieved. Also note in the above example that the title of the video podcast is in italics. The official APA publication manual states that when written, video, or audio post is part of an overarching work (such as a blog or podcast series), the title of the total work should be included in italics. This follows the same format that you would use if you were citing an individual chapter that was part of a book. Other Basic APA Rules to Follow In addition to following the specific rules for citing and referencing electronic sources, there are a number of other basic APA rules you should observe. Type and double-space your paper on a standard-sized paper. Your reference page should be double-spaced as well.The first line of each reference should be flush-left, with each additional line of the reference indented.Use a 12-point, Times New Roman font.Each page of the paper should include a page header known as a running head as well as page numbers. The running head should be a shortened version of your paper title, in all caps and followed by the page number, located in the upper-right hand corner of each page. A Word From Verywell APA format has many different rules and guidelines for citing various types of sources, so you should always check the official guidebook to make sure that your citations and references are correct. Whenever you cite an online source, whether its a web page or a video, you should follow the basic rules for citing electronic sources. This includes listing the author or authors (when listed), the date, the title, and the online location of the information.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Othello Act 2 Summary
Iagos evil plan begins to take shape in Othello Act 2. Our summary works through Act 2 scene-by-scene to guide you through the complex plot that drives Shakespeare’s Othello. Act 2 Scene 1 Montano the Governor of Cyprus and two gentlemen discuss the tempestuous weather which has defeated most of the Turkish fleet. A Third gentleman enters to decry the end of the war; â€Å"News lads! Our wars are done. The desperate tempest hath so banged the Turks that their designment halts.†He explains that a noble Venetian ship weathered the storm and Michael Cassio, Othello’s Lieutenant has arrived on shore. Cassio is said to be concerned about Othello’s ship which was caught up in the storm. Cassio enters concerned about Othello â€Å"O let the heavens give him defence against the elements, For I have lost him on a dangerous sea†. A sail is spotted at sea, the hope is that it is Othello’s ship; however, Cassio identifies the ship as Iago’s. On the ship are Roderigo, Desdemona and Emilia among others. Cassio explains to Montano about the marriage between Othello and Desdemona and his arrangement for Iago to provide for her shelter and protection. Desdemona enters asking about her husband, Cassio says; â€Å"The great contention of the sea and skies parted our fellowship†. Cassio introduces himself to Emilia, Iago puts his wife down by telling him that she talks too much he then goes on to say of women in general: â€Å"You are pictures at the door, bells in your parlours; wildcats in your kitchens, saints in your injuries; devils being offended, players in your housewifery, and hussies in your beds.†Iago is encouraged by the women to further develop his cutting and satirical use of ‘praise’ for their amusement. Cassio and the ladies go off as Iago ruminates on his plot to make Cassio appear to be having an affair with Desdemona. Othello’s trumpet sounds, he has arrived. Desdemona and Othello have a loving exchange of words and Iago says in an aside that despite their obvious love now, he will ruin their union. Othello confirms that the Turks are defeated. The group leave Iago and Roderigo alone on stage. Iago tells Roderigo that Desdemona is clearly in love with Othello, Roderigo refuses to believe it. Iago believes that Cassio does love Desdemona but that she loves Othello and acknowledges that Othello would prove to be a good husband to her. Iago admits to loving Desdemona too but not out of lust more out of revenge that because Othello ‘slept with his wife’ then he should sleep with his; â€Å"For that I do suspect the lusty Moor hath leapt into my seat, †¦And nothing can or shall content my soul Til I am evened with him, wife for wife.†Failing this, Iago wants to put Othello in to a jealousy so strong that he will not be able to trust his wife again. Iago will use Michael Cassio as Desdemona’s supposed suitor in order to get closer to Othello and to put Cassio’s character in to disrepute. Act 2 Scene 2 Othello’s Herald enters to read a proclamation; he invites the victorious soldiers to come and celebrate his nuptials with him. He encourages them to dance and feast and enjoy themselves. He blesses the isle of Cyprus and Othello. Continue reading by visiting our contents page of scene guides to Shakespeare’s Othello.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Defining the Humanities Essay - 1179 Words
Defining the Humanities Defining the Humanities The purpose of this paper is to differentiate the humanities from other modes of human inquiry and expression. I will define the humanities of a cultural event of music and how music was an expression of what I know about the humanities, art, style, genius, and culture from the 60s. I will also discuss how the music of the 60s compares with other forms I know about from the same period. One of the definitions of humanities, according to the American Heritage Dictionary, is â€Å"Those branches of knowledge, such as philosophy, literature, and art, that are concerned with human thought and culture; the liberal arts.†Culture is a big part of humanities. Culture, as defined by†¦show more content†¦The Baby Boomer generation lived during a time when war had a powerful impact on everyones life. Drugs became, perhaps, one of the most influential variables apparent in the music of the 60s. In the early 1960s a band named the Byrd’s and guy s like Dylan changed the way many people looked at music. These bands started an underground wave that flowed throughout the 60s, this became known as the Psychedelic Era. This era introduced drugs to be an important aspect involved in the creation of the music, and was used by the listeners to enhance their experience. Bands such as the Byrd’s and Grateful Dead started experimenting with such drugs as LSD, marijuana, and acid. They believed that drugs could help them create music that would blow the music of the fifties away, and it did (â€Å"The music of the sixties--the psychedelic eraâ€Å", 1998). The music of the 60s came in many styles. Some of the genres of the era are: Soft rock, (also referred to as mellow rock, light rock, or easy rock) is a style of music that uses the techniques of rock and roll (often combined with elements from folk rock and singer-songwriter pop) to compose a softer, more toned-down sound for listening. Soft rock songs generally tend t o focus on themes like love, everyday life, and relationships (â€Å"Soft rockâ€Å", 2010). Hard rock - modify rock and roll (blues, country, and gospel), adding to theShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeare s Macbeth And The Human Condition1292 Words  | 6 Pageshis position of power. What is truly a frightening revelation, however, is how easily humanity can succumb to the power of their own desires. As Macbeth’s ambitions begin to take full control of him, his morality, remorse and sense of reason all begin to cloud; he becomes more ruthless in his state of tyranny. What was once a defining aspect of the human condition was ultimately what led to Macbeth’s loss of humanity. This is evident within the play when Macbeth states; To leave no rubs nor botchesRead MoreThe Theory Of Human Emotion1561 Words  | 7 Pagesfor its effects on society. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) Free Essays
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a chronic disorder of impaired carbohydrate, protein, and lipid metabolism that is caused by a deficiency of insulin. A deficiency of insulin results in hyperglycemia. Type 1 DM is nearly absolute deficiency of insulin; if insulin is not given, fats are metabolized, resulting in ketoanemia. We will write a custom essay sample on Diabetes Mellitus (DM) or any similar topic only for you Order Now Type 2 DM is a relative lack of insulin or resistance to the action of insulin; usually insulin is insufficient to stabilize fat and protein metabolism but not deal with carbohydrate metabolism. (Silvestri, 2006, p. 638) There are a lot of people who are diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus. Contributing factors to the development of diabetes are hereditary, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, high fat low fiber diets, hypertension and aging. There is no cure for this disease but continuous studies and research have offered effective medical management therefore giving patients options as to which treatment are they willing and capable to maintain. Physicians may advise patients to follow changes in their diet. Incorporate diet into individual client needs, lifestyle, and cultural and socioeconomic patterns. Exercise will also be included in the dietary adjustments. Physicians may prescribe oral medications and insulin according to patients needs. Clients should always monitor their blood glucose levels before meals, and before, during, and after exercise. This will give client awareness as to how they will deal with their insulin requirements. Insulin therapy should be carefully followed up and referred to a Diabetician. Clients, who can religiously follow administration of medications, maintain proper diet and exercise may lessen the complications of the disease or the treatment itself. Health is a priority so it is important to set appointments for annual physical exam. In this way we are aware of our medical status and we can prevent illnesses, if there is, from being grave. If in case diagnosed with DM or any disease, regular checkups must be done. And most importantly, one should be well educated regarding the disease and its treatment to avoid any risks that would threaten life. Silvestri L. A. (2006). Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN Examination. Philippines: Elsevier, Inc. How to cite Diabetes Mellitus (DM), Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
From Slavery to Equality Americas Struggle with R Essay Example For Students
From Slavery to Equality: Americas Struggle with R Essay HjhaceThe Emancipation Proclamation issued by the then President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, freed the black slaves in 1863. However, freedom did not guarantee the rights of equality and acceptance to these slaves. For years to come and generations to follow the black man of America, and other minorities for that matter, have had to struggle for his rights of freedom, liberty and justice. The most significant, volatile, violent and dynamic time of this struggle was during the civil rights movement in the middle part of this century. During the 50s and the 60s many feared that the civil rights movement might fall apart or it will fail to achieve its objectives. Amongst them was Anne Moody who, thinking about overcoming the racial barriers, says, I wonder, I really wonder. (Anne Moody, Coming of age in Mississippi, Dell publishing 1968). Today, fifty some years down the road from the movements of Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and Bobby Seale, basic education is accessible, public facilities and institutions are open to all, affirmative action is required by employers, educators, governments and other entities. Despite these tremendous forward leaps we find minorities in America still wanting to be equal, respected and accepted. The civil rights struggle, not the just the movement years, is still going on and will go on till all races and minorities are practically treated as equal citizens of this country. In the aftermath of the 1863 Emancipation Declaration the black men
Monday, March 23, 2020
Nervous System Adaptation Essays (196 words) - Muscular System
Nervous System Adaptation Nervous System Adaptation plays a significant role in exercise development as seen by mental imagery, cross education, and coactivation. The body must establish and modify it's own neural network before it can strengthen. A weight lifter can improve his workouts by understanding the fundamentals of NSA. The nervous system plays a large role in how a muscle develops. For example Scientists have found that people who visualize their workouts can stimulate a significant amount of muscle growth. Although scientists would not advise solely visualized workouts they do stress the importance of good mental preparation to help physiological adaptation. Another example of how the nervous system effects muscle development is in cross education. When one injures a muscle often times the doctor will tell them to work the opposite uninjured muscle. This action will indirectly stimulate the injured muscle. When a novice weight lifter flexes a muscle, the opposing muscle restricts movement. After working out for a period of time, this misfiring of the neurons will dissipate. This phenomenon is known as coactivation. Also, in synchronization a novice weight lifter's movements will be shaky until his or her neural network has adjusted itself. Science Essays
Friday, March 6, 2020
Chinese Namesâ€Choosing a Good Mandarin Name
Chinese Names- Choosing a Good Mandarin Name Students of Mandarin usually adopt a Chinese name. There are a few reasons for this: It provides a glimpse into Chinese cultureIt makes introductions easier when visiting Chinese-speaking countriesIt provides good tonal and pronunciation practice Western names can be transcribed into Chinese, and this is often done for celebrities and politicians. Elizabeth Taylor is known in Chinese-speaking countries as yÄ « là ¬ shÄ bi ti là ¨ (ä ¼Å 莉莎ç™ ½Ã¦ ³ °Ã¥â€¹â€™). Choose a Real Name Such a name, however, is not a Chinese name, which usually consists of three characters. Many people from Mainland China use two-character names. There is an art to choosing good names, and many parents consult a fortune-teller to name their newborn child. A good name is expected to pave the way to a successful and prosperous life. Students of Mandarin don’t need to consult a fortune teller. You can ask a Chinese-speaking friend to give you a name, or you can consult a name book or use online and offline tools. Tools for Choosing Mandarin Names Whichever name you choose, it should be fairly easy to write and easy to pronounce. It’s no good if you can’t say your own name! Many of the online resources for picking Chinese names are next to useless. They usually translate a given name and don’t include a surname. But the Mandarin Tools website has a highly recommended tool for choosing a Chinese name. An offline version of this tool is available as part of DimSum Chinese Tools.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Immigration in the 19th Century, Teddy Roosevelt, and Labor Unions Essay
Immigration in the 19th Century, Teddy Roosevelt, and Labor Unions - Essay Example During the time of the great immigration, all the people needed were a boat ticket or in the least other means of transport to get to America. Thus, the shipbuilding industry facilitated the immigration significantly. During the agrarian revolution and the following years, several people came into America as slaves, to work in the factories and farms of the people. However, the immigration wave from the period 1820s to 1890s marked the observable immigration process. The immigrants in this period were mainly from Ireland and Germany, which brought about 5 million immigrants. The migration was because of includes famine and poverty in Ireland and political instability in Germany. Additionally, there were other immigrants, including from France, Canada and Sweden. Along these Europeans also came about 90000 Japanese and 300000 Chinese, whose chief reason was to make money for the Japanese and flee the opium war for the Chinese (Alexander, 2007). The industrial revolution further attracted more immigrants from the year 1890 to 1919. The immigrants into America this period constituted people from Italy, Austria, Hungary, Russia, Ireland and Great Britain. Conversely, with the arrival of the World War , the immigration declined. Nonetheless, over 9 million immigrants already settled in America (Alexander, 2007). The immigration into America took root from three reasons. Some were economic reasons, which featured search for wealth and employment, political reasons, which featured escape from the warring countries, and religious reasons, featuring trials and executions due to religious beliefs. The people as they migrated, due to the high numbers and inadequate housing, settled in groups in what grew into slum settlements. Additionally, due to the influx of people, unemployment rates increased as well as, the income of families (Alexander, 2007). The immigrants grew the American economy stronger. However,
Monday, February 3, 2020
Pig Growth Rates in Vietnam Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Pig Growth Rates in Vietnam - Article Example The data of litter mortality, birth weight, farm of origin, year of birth, and weight of big after twenty one days concerning a sample of one thousand pigs were collected and recorded. The purpose of the study is to compare growth performance of these two breeds of pigs by analyzing the effect of the different factors monitored in isolation and combined on the growth of pigs represented by their average weight after twenty one days of their birth. To determine the relationship between the Day 21 average piglet weight and the various influences monitored during the experiment such as breed, farm of origin, year of birth, litter mortality and birth weight, the following Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression analyses were examined: The non-numerical value of Breed was coded numerically so that Breed equals one for Landrace (L) piglets and equals to zero for Yorkshire (Y). Regression analysis was applied with the numerical representation of breed as the independent variable and the dependent variable Day 21 average weight. Table 1 summarizes the results of the regression analysis. Table 1 shows adjusted R-squared of -0.00078 which means the independent variable breed predicts 0.07% of the dependent variable Day 21 average piglet weight. T-stat for this variable is 0.46674 so it is statistically insignificant. Both values indicate changes in breed do not affect the Day 21 average piglet weight. Regression analysis was applied... 0.000218 Adjust R2 -0.00078 Standard Error 0.793569 Observations 1000 Table 1 shows adjusted R-squared of -0.00078 which means the independent variable breed predicts 0.07% of the dependent variable Day 21 average piglet weight. T-stat for this variable is 0.46674 so it is statistically insignificant. Both values indicate changes in breed do not affect the Day 21 average piglet weight. 4.2 Analysis II: Relationship between Day 21 Average Piglet Weight and Farm of Origin The non-numerical value of the farm-of-origin variable is numerically encoded to allow statistical analysis of the variable using the following code shown in table 2. Table 2: Encoding of Farm of Origin into Number Farm of Origin Numerical Code A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 E 5 F 6 G 7 Regression analysis was applied with the numerical representation of farm of origin as the independent variable and the dependent variable Day 21 average weight. Table 3 summarizes the results of the regression analysis. Table 3:Regression results for Day 21 Average Piglet Weight as a function of Farm of Origin Independent Variable Enumerated Farm of Origin Dependent variable: Day 21 Average Piglet Weight Constant 5.038045 Coefficient -0.04348 T Stat -2.87992 R2 0.008242 Adjust R2 0.007248 Standard Error 0.790379 Observations 1000 Table 3 shows adjusted R-squared of 0.007248 which means the independent variable farm of origin predicts 0.7% of the dependent variable Day 21 average piglet weight which is still a small influence but with more effect than the breed variable. T-stat for this variable is -2.87992 so it is statistically significant. Both values indicate the limited effect of breed in Day 21 average piglet weight. The Day 21 weight can be predicted to some limited extent using the equation: Day 21 Average Weight
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Relationship Between Zinc and Heart Disease
Relationship Between Zinc and Heart Disease Otoniel Santiago Shanil Juma, PhD Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the number one common cause of morbidity and death in all ethnicities. There are many contributing factors associated to this disease, which include: atherosclerosis, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, lack of physical activity and obesity1-3. Despite the many studies performed in these areas, nutrition and nutritional status play a major role in the decrease of CVD. One area that has been look at for almost a decade is the relationship of micronutrients in preventing the onset of cardiovascular disease. Although there are still many controversies in the areas of diet and obesity, the role of micronutrients especially zinc, have been closely studied to identify if its levels have any effect in reducing or potentially inducing cardiovascular disease. The purpose of this report will be to briefly discuss how zinc levels may play a role in promoting cardiovascular disease or preventing it. Zinc Functions Zinc is known as one of the essential trace elements vital for maintaining normal physiology and cellular functions in the body.1 It was during the 1960’s that zinc deficiency was discovered after it was found that dwarfism and delayed sexual maturation were related to zinc. This discovery lead to an increase in clinical studies in order to understand the critical role of zinc in human physiological growth and its relation to other conditions such as, dermatitis, impaired taste, and impaired immunity to name a few.1 Nonetheless, the role of zinc is not completely understood. This trace element has only been known for the past 50 years, but it has been clearly documented that it can improve an array of conditions like acute diarrhea in children, the common cold, and reduction of oxidative stress, the making of genetic material and wound healing. In all, zinc plays a major role in protein synthesis, thus, making it one of the most essential micronutrient needed for optimal healt h in the human body. Zinc and Heart Disease Zinc has been known for its many protective capacities and functions. However, low zinc levels have been associated with age, disease and lack of nutritional intake. It has been found that zinc deficiency increases the inflammatory response caused by increased vascular oxidative stress.2 For instance, in patients with type 2 diabetes suffering from cardiovascular disease, it was found that zinc serum levels were low3. Despite the fact that low serum zinc levels were found to be an independent factor for heart disease in patients with type 2 diabetes, non-diabetic patients who suffered from CVD was related to lower consumption of zinc.3 Zinc deficiency can also be associated to malabsorption caused by gastric conditions such as Chron’s disease and celiac sprue, or conditions like diabetes which increase zinc loss due excessive urinary output4. A study conducted by Frustaci et al, looked at selenium and zinc deficiency to identify if cardiac malfunction could occur with individuals who suffer from intestinal malabsorption. The study found that there was a great association of between the deficiency of selenium and zinc and the degeneration of cardiomyocytes5. Although this study looked into two micronutrients, it is important to point out that zinc played a major role in this study. As mentioned previously, zinc is an essential trace element that works in nearly over 300 enzymes exerting catalytic, structural, and regulatory functions4, 5. In addition to these functions, a deficiency of zinc can cause cell apoptosis and necrosis due to its role in growth and development. On the other hand, selenium has been associated with the Keshan disease that causes progressive dilated cardiomyopathy5. Both elements serve as antioxidants detoxifying cardiomyocytes from free radicals and a deficiency of any of these two elements can cause a decline a cardiac function5. Patients in this study were treated with a selenium/zinc infusion of 13.6 mg/d/wk for about six months. The group was divided into two groups consisting of one group of (A2, n=8) and another (A1, n= 10).5 All patients in group A1 received cardiac catherization, and an endomyocardial biopsy, while the A2 group were only treated with anti-heart failure therapy. Nonetheless, after the six months was completed group A1 showed an improvement in their left ventricle dimension when compared to the A2 group who only received supportive therapy5. The study determined that a selenium and zinc cardiomyopathy can occur in patients with intestinal malabsorption and that an infusion of both elements can improve a nd possibly prevent the malabsorption associated cardiomyopathy5. In another study conducted by Soinio et al, after a seven year period follow up on both non-diabetic patients and type 2 diabetic patients, it was found that there was an increase in mortality from CVD in patients with lower serum levels of zinc (≠¤14.1 µmol/l) then those who did not (14.1>  µmol/l)3. Most patients on this study were between the ages of 45-64 and the population consisted of 1,050 patients from West and East Finland where 526 were men and 470 were women. Each participant was examined for zinc serum levels after a 12hr fast. Zinc serum levels were determined through atomic absorption spectrotometry after 10 years from stored samples. Out of the 1,050 participants 156 died of coronary heart disease and 254 patients suffered a myocardial infarction. The rest of the surviving participants were divided in groups of non-insulin treated and insulin treated subjects. Those with insulin treatment had a 15.3  µmol/l of fasting serum zinc levels when compared to the non-insulin treatment that had 15.8  µmol/l fasting serum zinc levels. However, after breaking the result into quartiles the results were that low serum levels were an independent risk factor for coronary heart disease for coronary heart disease and fatal/non-fatal myocardial infarctions in patients with type 2 diabetes3. Nonetheless, most of the lower serum zinc levels found in diabetics was related to urinary zinc excretion when compared to non-diabetics. It is important to point out that zinc play critical role in the synthesis and function of insulin and the inhibition of pathways that can lead to apoptosis and possibly the upregulation caspase genes3. In this study zinc was added to in vitro insulin preparations to extend the time of insulin action. Despite insulin being added to the treatment of 149 of the participants with type 2 diabetes, serum zinc levels had no considerable changes between the two groups. Thus, there is a possibility that zinc supplementation may be useful to prevent atherosclerotic complications in type 2 diabetes individuals3. Another study showed that coronary artery disease was more prevalent among individuals with diabetes4. In the same study patients with coronary artery disease had higher urinary excretion of zinc when compared to those without coronary artery disease. In addition there was no association with the zinc levels and diseased arteries, but there was an increase in urinary zinc loss and the number of diseases arteries4. In relation to diabetes mellitus similar to the study performed by Soinio et al, patients with diabetes excreted greater amounts of zinc when compared to normoglycemic individuals4. Regardless of the zinc loss linked to diabetes mellitus and polyuria, zinc concentration was not associated with the onset of coronary arterial disease. The loss of zinc, on the other hand, correlated to the severity of the coronary artery disease. Consequently, the loss of zinc causes a shift of zinc from the intracellular fluid to the extracellular fluid to maintain homeostasis. Thus, affectin g zinc dependent enzymes such as the activating nuclear factor Ä ¸B and the reduction of nitric oxide bioavailability and the macrophage-mediated oxidative modification of LDL cholesterol along with the inflammatory cascades associated with it that ultimately promote atherogenesis4. On the other hand, zinc only accounts for about 0.1% of total body pool and zinc plasma concentrations are an insensitive marker for whole body reserves. Thus, the use of the urine zinc/24hour ratio is a better marker to reflect the risk of coronary artery disease. This was compared to other studies that identified that children from parents with coronary artery disease had higher zinc urinary levels. Suggesting that genetically predisposed children with coronary artery disease have in a long term, ongoing zinc losses taking place before the manifestations of clinical symptoms4. Yet, the question still remains whether supplementation of zinc in individuals with low zinc serum levels could prove to be beneficial to prevent or eliminate cardio arterial disease. In relation to children Sadoh looked if there was any relationship in loss of serum zinc levels with congenital heart diseases and pneumonia. Sadoh looked at 41 Nigerian children with confirmed congenital heart disease and 41 without congenital heart disease. Because congenital heart diseases with left or right shunt are associated with pulmonary over-circulation, which leads to congestive heart failure, the loss of serum zinc levels seem to be increased with pneumonia6. In addition, it has been shown that patients with heart failure who are also receiving diuretic therapy are prone to develop zincuria. The medications associated with zincuria are thiadize and angiostenin converting enzyme inhibitors. In poor countries like Nigeria, children are forced to live with chronic heart failure and the bronchopneumonia, which as mentioned previously can cause low zinc levels. Another possibility for these children to have low zinc serum levels can be related to poor food intake and absorption that arises from the malnutrition they are exposed to6. All participants were evaluated for congenital heart disease and any febrile conditions that would had altered results. In any case, patients would have had to resolve the febrile condition prior to the commencement of the study. Patients were seen every month for seven months were 3 ml of blood was collected from each person. Serum zinc levels were evaluated using the Dogan et al method and atomic absorption spectrophotometer6. The results showed that the mean zinc levels in children congenital heart disease was 101.3 ± 21.6  µg/dl when compared to the controlled who had 106.5  ± 18.3  µg/dl. In children less than one years of age, the mean serum zinc was the highest at 102.6  ± 30.7  µg/dl when compared to children ten years and older at the lowest levels 94.8  ± 12.4  µg/dl. Sadoh also compared children with bronchopneumonia whose zinc levels were lower 89.5  ± 15.0  µg/dl indicating an increase loss of zinc due to the disease. When compared to children without bronchopneumonia, the zinc levels were at 103.9  ± 22.2  µg/dl6. This study showed that congenital heart failure along with complications such as bronchopneumonia increases the chances of low zinc serum levels. Zinc plays a major role as an acute phase reactant in bronchopneumonia thus, causing its depletion in children with both of these conditions. Whether the patients with severe pneumonia usually have low zinc serum levels, the combination of both pneumonia and congenital heart disease make patients more susceptible to low zinc levels. The same is applied to patients with chronic congenital heart disease, although their levels seem to be lower due to the use of diuretics as a treatment. In all cyanotic congenital heart disease patients had higher levels of zinc when compared to those with acyanotic congenital heart disease6. In this study no zinc supplementation was used, but it can be safe to say that a supplementation could have resulted in improvement of both conditions as seen in the previous studies. Conclusion Zinc appears to have protective effects in coronary artery disease and cardiomyopathy in individuals suffering from type 2 diabetes and children with congenital hearts diseases. Intracellular zinc plays a critical role in the oxidative stress reduction protecting from the inflammatory response caused atherosclerosis, type 2 diabetes, and other diseases. Zinc supplementation has been shown to improve cardiac function and prevent further damage. Thus, its investigation, although emerging in the cardiovascular disease research, its mechanism needs to be better understood in order for it to be used as a preventative and treatment of cardiovascular disease. References Little PJ, Bhattacharya R, Moreyra AE, Korichneva IL. Zinc and Cardiovascular Disease.Nutrition26.11/12 (2010): 1050-057. Abdel-Khalek Abdel-Salam N, Wessam Aly W, Ahmed Hamza S, Mosfata Fahmy H, Kamel Mortagy A. Relation between zinc level and one year mortality among elderly patients with heart failure.Egyptian J H Med. 2014;54:11-14. Soinio M, Marniemi J, Laakso M, Pyà ¶rà ¤là ¤ M, Lehto S, Rà ¶nnemaa T. Serum zinc level and coronary heart disease events in patients with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care. 30:523-528, 2007. Giannoglou G, Konstantinou D, Kovatsi L, Chatzizisis Y, Mikhailidis D. Association of Reduced Zinc Status With Angiographically Severe Coronary Atherosclerosis: A Pilot Study.Angiology. July 2010;61(5):449-455. Frustaci A, Sabbioni E, Fortaner S, Farina S, del Torchio R, Tafani M, Morgante E, Ciriolo MR, Russo MA, Chimenti C. Selenium- and zinc-deficient cardiomyopathy in human intestinal malabsorption: preliminary results of selenium/zinc infusion. European Journal Of Heart Failure. February 2012; 14(2):202-210. Sadoh WE, Sadoh AE. Serum zinc values in children with congenital heart disease. African Health Sciences. September 2013; 13(3):601-606.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
A Comprehensive Feasibility Study For The Establishment Of Paintwork T-shirt Printing House
A COMPREHENSIVE FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF PAINTWORK T-SHIRT PRINTING HOUSE Introduction Nowadays, printed shirt are almost seen everywhere: school uniforms with the school logos printed on it, advertisements printed on shirts, title of an event, different cartoon characters, quotable phrases and lot more things printed on shirts. There are many processes of transferring a design to a shirt. Computer printed designs, screen printing process, heat transferred images, and painting the shirt itself.In these modern days, things are done in faster ways; that is why computers play varieties of role. Computer printed designs are among the most common in the market today. One can have his own picture printed in a shirt in just an hour or he can even personalize a design that he likes to be printed in his shirt. A design can also be transferred in number of shirts in a clothing company. This computer printed shirt is the focus of this feasibility study. We come up with this pr oduct to compete in the demand of modern days’ consumers.In addition to computer printed shirts, we also come up with the idea having painted designs as an art design exclusive for each company. Images add art to the printed shirts. It livens up the clothing and gives more attraction to those who see it. Universities have their university shirts or organizational shirts, which is sometimes used by the students as their uniforms. Our business is targeting this opportunity for us to give them a uniquely designed t-shirts that will surely be appreciated by the students and other group of people.In addition to this, we also aim to create our exceptional own painted design for some organizations who conduct events and some small companies in the country. The Concept PAINTWORK conceptualized a production enterprise that will be the producer of painted designed and computer printed shirts in some other schools in the country particularly in Polytechnic University of the Philippines (the four owners’ alma mater). We plan to create the products not for retail purposes but as a wholesale supply catering to the needs of the targeted market for their painted shirt uniforms, section shirts, organization shirts, batch hirts and other customized shirts. Nowadays, computer printed shirt designs are common in the market, so as the screen-printed designed shirts. Computer printed designs though are more modern and has more quality with designs. It being an easy process to transfer a design to shirts with exclusive painted design for each company is our unique selling proposition. Our business oriented and hip designs are popular especially with the teenagers, students and the young.We come up with this product believing that we can supply the needs of consumers to have more modernized and likeable designs in its best outcome. Although we are new in this kind of business, we still can promise the best outcome and produce very good quality painted designed computer printed shirts that can be used in events, organizational uniforms, school uniforms and other more occasions. The price will be based on the cost used to create the product. Our painted shirts will surely compete in the market in terms of pricing but we are confident that ours is a product that is worth to be paid for.Objectives As stated in the concept for its creation, PAINTWORK will paint designed shirts that will be used for uniform purposes in school organizations, small companies, events, and some institutions. PAINTWORK is comparable in the market in terms of pricing but the process of production and high quality end product differs. The designs are personally made and manually transferred to the shirt resulting to excellent classy products that will satisfy the consumers.The objective of our company is to be more competitive in the market and to be the leading manufacturer and supplier of paint designed computer printed shirts in the Philippines. * Short Term Objectives * To build a good rapport with the consumers and to the people. * To maintain a good working relationship with all our employees and also to the suppliers. * To be the favoured company of the leading universities and some companies to supply them our shirts with hand painted designs. * Long Term Objectives * Our company’s objective is to be the leading supplier of the printed hirts for the next 5 years in Polytechnic University of the Philippines to be used on the General Assembly of the students of Institute of Accounts, Business and Finance, and also for some universities in the country. * Our business will endeavour to be an excellent company here in the Philippines that will be loved by the Filipinos and eventually we can export our products to other countries. Company Logo Organizational Chart ZAILEEN A. CULATA Sales Supervisor AVEGAIL C. LUCERO Office Supervisor PAULINE AGNES VELASCO Production Supervisor TITO M.PINEDA III General Manager Production workers Assistant PAINTW ORK will be having four main heads for its organizational chart. Every partner will be assigned to each department to assure the harmony and proper management of the entity. The four partners are distributed in four main positions in the company such as general manager, production supervisor, sales supervisor and office supervisor. The establishment will hire three sociable and customer-oriented crews. Two crews will be assigned in printing and editing the t-shirt design; one crew will assist them.Neither of the pioneers will supervise the over-all development of the business. Manpower Requirement 1. Job Title: General Manager * Responsible for the whole organization and the business operation. He is also responsible to the following functions: * Must see to it in carrying out or handling the day-to-day operations of the business. * Must plan out various developments for maximum profitability of the business. * Must render wise decisions for the changes and improvement s of the busi ness operation. * Must assure to every customer that they can produce quality products they needed. 2.Job Title: Production Supervisor * She is responsible for supervising the production workers in the whole process of production and maintenance of the area. She also approves or edits the original design from the business or personalized design from the customers. 3. Job Title: Sales Supervisor * Sales supervisor is responsible for marketing and delivery of the product. She is in charge in dealing with the customers. 4. Job Title: Office Supervisor * She is responsible for supervising the office works. She manages the accountant and the clerk in the office. 5. Job Title: Production Workers They are the ones responsible for transferring the designs to the computer, printing the shirt, drying and packaging of the products. They deal with the whole process of producing the best paint designed computer printed shirts. 6. Job Title: Assistant * Serves as a clerk that assists in all the o ffice works. Services Offered Paintwork will offer services on customized, personalized t-shirt printing and editing design. Products will be made in its highest quality, perfect for corporate gifts, batch shirt, uniforms, give away, couple shirt, university shirts and more.Our aim is to delivering quality garments made to your design and specifications at a competitive price by using the latest printing techniques for any occasion. If you’re in the market for an individually stylized piece of apparel, we’ve got everything you’re ever likely to need! T -shirt printing designs is what we’re all about and regardless of whether you have an idea of your own in mind, or you fancy one of our best sellers, the garments we will supply you with will be of a superior quality. We pride ourselves on the reliability of service we will offer. Actual PlanPAINTWORK will be built outside the Polytechnic University of the Philippines, specifically in Newton’s Plaza, Sta. Mesa, Manila. Initially, the three sociable and customer-oriented crews will handle the production of customized, personalized t-shirts and designs. Rest assured that the ambiance of the establishment is excellent to make customers feel comfortable. Floor Plan Future Plans After six months of operation, PAINTWORK will launch its latest additional product offers such as personalized banners and tarpaulins. After a year, a branch is planned to build but the location is not yet final.These measures are intended to provide the same quality and affordable customized, personalized printing of shirts and advertisement designs to students, companies and others. Facilities The business should have the following facilities to be able to operate: 1. Office * Having an office is necessary to accommodate customers and to serve as an area for people to work. 2. Printing Room * The business needs its own printing room to meet the standard of the consumers in printing t-shirts. The room has m achines for printing and other equipment in need to do the products. 3.Sewing Room * It is where the products are being sewed to add design with the t-shirts. Production Process 1. Creating the Design. This is the first step in producing the painted shirt. The design must first be done and drafted for the next step to continue. In this step, the consumers must agree with the design being suggested or pass his personal design. The colors to be used must also be enumerated. 2. Transferring the Design to the Computer. 3. Printing the Shirt Design. This is the main step of this process; this is where the design is being transferred on the shirt. . Drying Drying is very important in this process because once the painted design is not dry, it might be ruined and the shirt will not be used at all. The painted shirt is dried through blowers for quicker drying. 5. Checking of Shirt This step is done to ensure that all the painted shirts will turn out as expected, excellent and with a classy result. 6. Packaging This is the last step of the production process where in the finished painted shirts are placed in a cloth bag as it packaging. After this, the painted shirts can be delivered. Production The process of production was practiced very well and perfected to have a product with a high standard and quality that will be best suited for its consumers. * All employees / workers are trained proficiently and must be very knowledgeable on how the process of production goes as well as the proper use of facilities and equipment. * Materials come from reliable sources with their own safety measures to have a quality and trusted product. * The business also sees to it that there are enough materials so as not to delay the production process.Packaging PAINTWORK Designed shirts are packed in cloth bags. These are better than the usual packaging that comes in plastic sack. Quality Control Our business ensures the quality and unique prints of the shirts to meet the customerâ€℠¢s satisfaction. In order to prove the business’ claim that it is 100% worth to be paid for, we set our guidelines and policies for the workers to follow in the production of our product. Investments The owners made the following investments to meet the goals of the business: EquipmentP35,000 OfficeP 45,000 Initial OperationsP25,000TOTAL COSTP 105,000 The equipment include the sewing machines and the printing machines while the office includes the facilities like tables and chairs in the main office, printing room and sewing room. Profitability Analysis The simplest way of approximating profitability is to assume the expected payment of the consumers and subtract from it the expected expenses. The t-shirt costs P160. 00 – P300. 00. In example, a customer ordered 50 shirts and the quality of its design costs, let’s say, P200. 00 each. 50 shirts X P200. 00 = P10, 000. 00For instance that the cost of expenses on each shirt is P120. 00, the business will earn a prof it of P80. 00 for each shirt, with the total of P4, 000. 00, that is for 50 shirts. The profit of the company depends on the number of shirts a customer will ask. Thus, this computation is in approximation and still subjected for any changes if such is to be proven needed. Operational Expenses As for the computation, operational expenses are estimated to be around P120. 00 per shirt. For instance, there are 50 shirts to be printed (P120. 00 x 50), a total of P6000. 0 is the operational expense incurred. This amount should therefore be watched to monitor the operational expenses of the company. The general manager in this sense should consider allocating the remaining retained earnings as an allowance for PAINTWORK. Break-Even Point Analysis PAINTWORK initially invested P105, 000. 00 which is recoverable immediately after an approximately 5 months of successful regular operations. The management placed the shirts at a price range which is cost effective and considering wholesaler as our major target market.The average price of a t-shirt is P160. 00, more affordable than expected though it has many benefits and price will be stable and not to become a big deal at all. Performance and Appraisal Program The company will conduct an evaluation on the employees in which the supervisor evaluates their performance; the result of the evaluation will be given to the employees indicating the level of their performance areas of improvement. This evaluate will be the basis for the increase of their salary and promotion for employees.The following factors that the company will consider: 1. A manager and employee shall hold formal appraisal meetings once or twice a year. 2. Employees should be given immediate and adequate feedback regarding their performance. The manager and supervisor should maintain a record of critical incident specific situation, task, action and result negative and positive. 3. Managers and supervisors are accountable for evaluating performance in develo ping their subordinates. The manager and supervisor should also be appraising in their performance management skills. 4.The performance appraisal system shall encourage the employee’s participation in the company. Timetable PAINTWORK DATE| ACTIVITIES| START: 2nd week, March – April 2012| Feasibility studies, research and Analysis| 2nd week, March – 2nd week, July 2012| Capital Contribution| 3rd week, April – 2nd week, May 2012| Registration Permit and other Licenses| 1st and 2nd week, April 2012| Canvassing of Raw Materials and Location of the Business| 3rd week, June – 2nd week of July 2012| Setting the Place of the Business| 1st and 2nd week, June 2012| Recruitment and Hiring of Employees| 1st week , August 2012|Purchasing of Raw Materials and Equipment| 4th week, August 2012| Training of Employees| 1st week, September 2012| Ribbon Cutting and Start of the Normal Business Operation|
Friday, January 10, 2020
The Twilight Saga 4: Breaking Dawn 13. Good Thing I’ve Got A Strong Stomach
13. Good Thing I've Got A Strong Stomach Carlisle and Rosalie were off in a flash, darting upstairs. I could hear them debating whether they should warm it up for her. Ugh. i wondered what all house-of-horrors stuff they kept around here. Fridge full of blood, check. What else? Torture chamber? Coffin room? Edward stayed, holding Bella's hand. His face was dead again. He didn't seem to have the energy to keep up even that little hint of hope he'd had before. They stared into each other's eyes, but not in a gooey way. It was like they were having a conversation. Kind of reminded me of Sam and Emily. No, it wasn't gooey, but that only made it harder to watch. I knew what it was like for Leah, having to see that all the time. Having to hear it in Sam's head. Of course we all felt bad for her, we weren't monsters – in that sense, anyway. But I guess we'd blamed her for how she handled it. Lashing out at everyone, trying to make us all as miserable as she was. I would never blame her again. How could anyone help spreading this kind of misery around? How could anyone not try to ease some of the burden by shoving a little piece of it off on someone else? And if it meant that I had to have a pack, how could I blame her for taking my freedom? I would do the same. If there was a way to escape this pain, I'd take it, too. Rosalie darted downstairs after a second, flying through the room like a sharp breeze, stirring up the burning smell. She stopped inside the kitchen, and I heard the creak of a cupboard door. â€Å"Note ear, Rosalie,†Edward murmured. He rolled his eyes. Bella looked curious, but Edward just shook his head at her. Rosalie blew back through the room and disappeared again. â€Å"This was your idea?†Bella whispered, her voice rough as she strained to make it loud enough for me to hear. Forgetting that I could hear just fine. I kind of liked how, a lot of the time, she seemed to forget that I wasn't completely human. I moved closer, so that she wouldn't have to work so hard. â€Å"Don't blame me for this one. Your vampire was just picking snide comments out of my head.†She smiled a little. â€Å"I didn't expect to see you again.†â€Å"Yeah, me, either,†I said. It felt weird just standing here, but the vampires had shoved all the furniture out of the way for the medical setup. I imagined that it didn't bother them – sitting or standing didn't make much difference when you were stone. Wouldn't bother me much, either, except that I was so exhausted. â€Å"Edward told me what you had to do. I'm sorry.†â€Å"S'okay. It was probably only a matter of time till I snapped over something Sam wanted me to do,†I lied. â€Å"And Seth,†she whispered. â€Å"He's actually happy to help.†â€Å"I hate causing you trouble.†I laughed once – more a bark than a laugh. She breathed a faint sigh. â€Å"I guess that's nothing new, is it?†â€Å"No, not really.†â€Å"You don't have to stay and watch this,†she said, barely mouthing the words. I could leave. It was probably a good idea. But if I did, with the way she looked right now, I could be missing the last fifteen minutes of her life. â€Å"I don't really have anywhere else to go,†I told her, trying to keep the emotion out of my voice. â€Å"The wolf thing is a lot less appealing since Leah joined up.†â€Å"Leah?†she gasped. â€Å"You didn't tell her?†I asked Edward. He just shrugged without moving his eyes from her face. I could see it wasn't very exciting news to him, not something worth sharing with the more important events that were going down. Bella didn't take it so lightly. It looked like it was bad news to her. â€Å"Why?†she breathed. I didn't want to get into the whole novel-length version. â€Å"To keep an eye on Seth.†â€Å"But Leah hates us,†she whispered. Us.Nice. I could see that she was afraid, though. â€Å"Leah's not going to bug anyone.†But me. â€Å"She's in my pack†– I grimaced at the words – â€Å"so she follows my lead.†Ugh. Bella didn't look convinced. â€Å"You're scared of Leah, but you're best buds with the psychopath blonde?†There was a low hiss from the second floor. Cool, she'd heard me. Bella frowned at me. â€Å"Don't. Rose†¦ understands.†â€Å"Yeah,†i grunted. â€Å"She understands that you're gonna die and she doesn't care, s'long as she gets her mutant spawn out of the deal.†â€Å"Stop being a jerk, Jacob,†she whispered. She looked too weak to get mad at. I tried to smile instead. â€Å"You say that like it's possible.†Bella tried not to smile back for a second, but she couldn't help it in the end; her chalky lips pulled up at the corners. And then Carlisle and the psycho in question were there. Carlisle had a white plastic cup in his hand – the kind with a lid and a bendy straw. Oh – not clear,now I got it. Edward didn't want Bella to have to think about what she was doing any more than necessary. You couldn't see what was in the cup at all. But I could smell it. Carlisle hesitated, the hand with the cup half-extended. Bella eyed it, looking scared again. â€Å"We could try another method,†Carlisle said quietly. â€Å"No,†Bella whispered. â€Å"No,111 try this first. We don't have time†¦.†At first I thought she'd finally gotten a clue and was worried about herself, but then her hand fluttered feebly against her stomach. Bellareached out and took the cup from him. Her hand shook a little, and I could hear the sloshing from inside. She tried to prop herself up on one elbow, but she could barely lift her head. A whisper of heat brushed down my spine as I saw how frail she'd gotten in less than a day. Rosalie put her arm under Bella's shoulders, supporting her head, too, like you did with a newborn. Blondie was all about the babies. â€Å"Thanks,†Bella whispered. Her eyes flickered around at us. Still aware enough to feel self-conscious. If she wasn't so drained, I'd bet she'd've blushed. â€Å"Don't mind them,†Rosalie murmured. It made me feel awkward. I should've left when Bella'd offered the chance. I didn't belong here, being part of this. I thought about ducking out, but then I realized a move like that would only make this worse for Bella – make it harder for her to go through with it. She'd figure I was too disgusted to stay. Which was almost true. Still. While I wasn't going to claim responsibility for this idea, I didn't want to jinx it, either. Bella lifted the cup to her face and sniffed at the end of the straw. She flinched, and then made a face. â€Å"Bella, sweetheart, we can find an easier way,†Edward said, holding his hand out for the cup. â€Å"Plug your nose,†Rosalie suggested. She glared at Edward's hand like she might take a snap at it. I wished she would. I bet Edward wouldn't take that sitting down, and I'd love to see Blondie lose a limb. â€Å"No, that's not it. It's just that it – â€Å"Bella sucked in a deep breath. â€Å"It smells good,†she admitted in a tiny voice. I swallowed hard, fighting to keep the disgust off my face. â€Å"That's a good thing,†Rosalie told Bella eagerly. â€Å"That means we're on the right track. Give it a try.†Given Blondie's new expression, I was surprised she didn't break into a touchdown dance. Bella shoved the straw between her lips, squeezed her eyes shut, and wrinkled her nose. I could hear the blood slopping around in the cup again as her hand shook. She sipped at it for a second, and then moaned quietly with her eyes still closed. Edward and I stepped forward at the same time. He touched her face. I clenched my hands behind my back. â€Å"Bella, love – â€Å" Tm okay,†she whispered. She opened her eyes and stared up at him. Her expression was†¦ apologetic. Pleading. Scared. â€Å"It tastes good, too.†Acid churned in my stomach, threatening to overflow. I ground my teeth together. â€Å"That's good,†Blondie repeated, still jazzed. â€Å"A good sign.†Edward just pressed his hand to her cheek, curling his fingers around the shape of her fragile bones. Bella sighed and put her lips to the straw again. She took a real pull this time. The action wasn't as weak as everything else about her. Like some instinct was taking over. â€Å"How's your stomach? Do you feel nauseated?†Carlisle asked. Bella shook her head. â€Å"No, I don't feel sick,†she whispered. â€Å"There's a first, eh?†Rosalie beamed. â€Å"Excellent.†â€Å"I think it's a bit early for that, Rose,†Carlisle murmured. Bella gulped another mouthful of blood. Then she flashed a look at Edward. â€Å"Does this screw my total?†she whispered. â€Å"Or do we start counting after I'm a vampire?†â€Å"No one is counting, Bella. In any case, no one died for this.†He smiled a lifeless smile. â€Å"Your record is still clean.†They'd lost me. â€Å"I'll explain later,†Edward said, so low the words were just a breath. â€Å"What?†Bella whispered. â€Å"Just talking to myself,†he lied smoothly. If he succeeded with this, if Bella lived, Edward wasn't going to be able to get away with so much when her senses were as sharp as his. He'd have to work on the honesty thing. Edward's lips twitched, fighting a smile. Bella chugged a few more ounces, staring past us toward the window. Probably pretending we weren't here. Or maybe just me. No one else in this group would be disgusted by what she was doing. Just the opposite – they were probably having a tough time not ripping the cup away from her. Edward rolled his eyes. Jeez, how did anyone stand living with him? It was really too bad he couldn't hear Bella's thoughts. Then he'd annoy the crap out of her, too, and she'd get tired of him. Edward chuckled once. Bella's eyes flicked to him immediately, and she half-smiled at the humor in his face. I would guess that wasn't something she'd seen in a while. â€Å"Something funny?†she breathed. â€Å"Jacob,†he answered. She looked over with another weary smile for me. â€Å"Jake's a crack-up,†she agreed. Great, now I was the court jester. â€Å"Bada bing†I mumbled in weak rim-shot impression. She smiled again, and then took another swig from the cup. I flinched when the straw pulled at empty air, making a loud sucking sound. â€Å"I did it,†she said, sounding pleased. Her voice was clearer – rough, but not a whisper for the first time today. â€Å"If I keep this down, Carlisle, will you take the needles out of me?†â€Å"As soon as possible,†he promised. â€Å"Honestly, they aren't doing that much good where they are.†Rosalie patted Bella's forehead, and they exchanged a hopeful glance. And anyone could see it – the cup full of human blood had made an immediate difference. Her color was returning – there was a tiny hint of pink in her waxy cheeks. Already she didn't seem to need Rosalie's support so much anymore. Her breathing was easier, and I would swear her heartbeat was stronger, more even. Everything accelerated. That ghost of hope in Edward's eyes had turned into the real thing. â€Å"Would you like more?†Rosalie pressed. Bella's shoulders slumped. Edward flashed a glare at Rosalie before he spoke to Bella. â€Å"You don't have to drink more right away.†â€Å"Yeah, I know. But†¦ I want to†she admitted glumly. Rosalie pulled her thin, sharp fingers through Bella's lank hair. â€Å"You don't need to be embarrassed about that, Bella. Your body has cravings. We all understand that.†Her tone was soothing at first, but then she added harshly, â€Å"Anyone who doesn't understand shouldn't be here.†Meant for me, obviously, but I wasn't going to let Blondie get to me. I was glad Bella felt better. So what if the means grossed me out? It wasn't like I'd said anything. Carlisle took the cup from Bella's hand. â€Å"I'll be right back.†Bella stared at me while he disappeared. â€Å"Jake, you look awful,†she croaked. â€Å"Look who's talking.†â€Å"Seriously – when's the last time you slept?†I thought about that for a second. â€Å"Huh. I'm not actually sure.†â€Å"Aw, Jake. Now I'm messing with your health, too. Don't be stupid.†I gritted my teeth. She was allowed to kill herself for a monster, but I wasn't allowed to miss a few nights' sleep to watch her do it? â€Å"Get some rest, please,†she went on. â€Å"There're a few beds upstairs – you're welcome to any of them.†The look on Rosalie's face made it clear that I wasn't welcome to one of them. It made me wonder what Sleepless Beauty needed a bed for anyway. Was she that possessive of her props? â€Å"Thanks, Bells, but I'd rather sleep on the ground. Away from the stench, you know.†She grimaced. â€Å"Right.†Carlisle was back then, and Bella reached out for the blood, absentminded, like she was thinking of something else. With the same distracted expression, she started sucking it down. She really was looking better. She pulled herself forward, being careful of the tubes, and scooted into a sitting position. Rosalie hovered, her hands ready to catch Bella if she sagged. But Bella didn't need her. Taking deep breaths in between swallows, Bella finished the second cup quickly. â€Å"How do you feel now?†Carlisle asked. â€Å"Not sick. Sort of hungry†¦ only I'm not sure if I'm hungry or thirsty, you know?†â€Å"Carlisle, just look at her,†Rosalie murmured, so smug she should have canary feathers on her lips. â€Å"This is obviously what her body wants. She should drink more.†â€Å"She's still human, Rosalie. She needs food, too. Let's give her a little while to see how this affects her, and then maybe we can try some food again. Does anything sound particularly good to you, Bella?†â€Å"Eggs,†she said immediately, and then she exchanged a look and a smile with Edward. His smile was brittle, but there was more life on his face than before. I blinked then, and almost forgot how to open my eyes again. â€Å"Jacob,†Edward murmured. â€Å"You really should sleep. As Bella said, you're certainly welcome to the accommodations here, though you'd probably be more comfortable outside. Don't worry about anything – I promise 111 find you if there's a need.†â€Å"Sure, sure,†I mumbled. Now that it appeared Bella had a few more hours, I could escape. Go curl up under a tree somewhere†¦. Far enough away that the smell couldn't reach me. The bloodsucker would wake me up if something went wrong. He owed me. â€Å"I do,†Edward agreed. I nodded and then put my hand on Bella's. Hers was icy cold. â€Å"Feel better,†I said. â€Å"Thanks, Jacob.†She turned her hand over and squeezed mine. I felt the thin band of her wedding ring riding loose on her skinny finger. â€Å"Get her a blanket or something,†I muttered as I turned for the door. Before I made it, two howls pierced the still morning air. There was no mistaking the urgency of the tone. No misunderstanding this time. â€Å"Dammit,†I snarled, and I threw myself through the door. I hurled my body off the porch, letting the fire rip me apart midair. There was a sharp tearing sound as my shorts shredded. Crap. Those were the only clothes I had. Didn't matter now. I landed on paws and took off toward the west. What is it?I shouted in my head. Incoming,Seth answered. At least three. Did they split up? I'm running the line back to Seth at the speed of lightLeah promised. I could feel the air huffing through her lungs as she pushed herself to an incredible velocity. The forest whipped around her. So far, no other point of attack. Seth, donot challenge them. Wait forme. They're slowing. Ugh – its sooff not being able to hear them. I think†¦ What? I think they've stopped. Waiting for the rest of the pack? Shh. Feel that? I absorbed his impressions. The faint, soundless shimmer in the air. Someone's phasing? Feels like it,Seth agreed. Leah flew into the small open space where Seth waited. She raked her claws into the dirt, spinning out like a race car. Got your back, bro. They're coming,Seth said nervously. Slow. Walking. Almost there,I told them. I tried to fly like Leah. It felt horrible being separated from Seth and Leah with potential danger closer to their end than mine. Wrong. I should be with them, between them and whatever was coming. Look who's getting all paternal,Leah thought wryly. Head in the game, Leah. Four,Seth decided. Kid had good ears. Three wolves, one man. I made the little clearing then, moving immediately to the point. Seth sighed with relief and then straightened up, already in place at my right shoulder. Leah fell in on my left with a little less enthusiasm. So now I rank under Seth,she grumbled to herself. First come, first served,Seth thought smugly. ‘Sides, you were never an Alpha's Third before. Still an upgrade. Under my baby brother is not an upgrade. Shh!I complained. don't care where you stand. Shut up and get ready. They came into view a few seconds later, walking, as Seth had thought. Jared in the front, human, hands up. Paul and Quil and Collin on four legs behind him. There was no aggression in their postures. They hung back behind Jared, ears up, alert but calm. But†¦ it was weird that Sam would send Collin rather than Embry. That wasn't what I would do if I were sending a diplomacy party into enemy territory. I wouldn't send a kid. I'd send the experienced fighter. A diversion?Leah thought. Were Sam, Embry, and Brady making a move alone? That didn't seem likely. Want me to check? I can run the line and be back in two minutes. Should I warn the Cullens?Seth wondered. What if the point was to divide us?I asked. The Cullens know something's up. They're ready. Sam wouldn't be so stupid†¦,Leah whispered, fear jagged in her mind. She was imagining Sam attacking the Cullens with only the two others beside him. No, he wouldn't,I assured her, though I felt a little sick at the image in her head, too. All the while, Jared and the three wolves stared at us, waiting. It was eerie not to hear what Quil and Paul and Collin were saying to one another. Their expressions were blank – unreadable. Jared cleared his throat, and then he nodded to me. â€Å"White flag of truce, Jake. We're here to talk.†Think it's true?Seth asked. Makes sense, but†¦ Yeah,Leah agreed. But. We didn't relax. Jared frowned. â€Å"It would be easier to talk if I could hear you, too.†I stared him down. I wasn't going to phase back until I felt better about this situation. Until it made sense. Why Collin? That was the part that had me most worried. â€Å"Okay. I guess I'll just talk, then,†Jared said. â€Å"Jake, we want you to come back.†Quil let out a soft whine behind him. Seconding the statement. â€Å"You've torn our family apart. It's not meant to be this way.†I wasn't exactly in disagreement with that, but it was hardly the point. There were a few unresolved differences of opinion between me and Sam at the moment. â€Å"We know that you feel†¦ strongly about the situation with the Cullens. We know that's a problem. But this is an overreaction.†Seth growled. Overreaction? And attacking our allies without warning isn't? Seth, you ever heard of a poker face? Cool it. Sorry. Jared's eyes flickered to Seth and back to me. â€Å"Sam is willing to take this slowly, Jacob. He's calmed down, talked to the other Elders. They've decided that immediate action is in no one's best interest at this point.†Translation: They've already lost the element of surprise,Leah thought. It was weird how distinct our joint thinking was. The pack was already Sam's pack, was already â€Å"them†to us. Something outside and other. It was especially weird to have Leah thinking that way – to have her be a solid part of the â€Å"us.†â€Å"Billy and Sue agree with you, Jacob, that we can wait for Bella†¦ to be separated from the problem. Killing her is not something any of us feel comfortable with.†Though I'd just given Seth crap for it, I couldn't hold back a small snarl of my own. So they didn't quite feel comfortablewith murder, huh? Jared raised his hands again. â€Å"Easy, Jake. You know what I mean. The point is, we're going to wait and reassess the situation. Decide later if there's a problem with the†¦ thing.†Ha,Leah thought. What a load. You don't buy it? I know what they're thinking, Jake. WhatSam's thinking. They're betting on Bella dying anyway. And then they figure you'll be so mad. . . That I'll lead the attack myself.My ears pressed against my skull. What Leah was guessing sounded pretty spot-on. And very possible, too. When†¦ if that thing killed Bella, it was going to be easy to forget how I felt about Carlisle's family right now. They would probably look like enemies – like no more than bloodsucking leeches – to me all over again. I'll remind you,Seth whispered. know you will, kid. Question is whether I'll listen to you. â€Å"Jake?†Jared asked. I huffed a sigh. Leah, make a circuit – just to be sure. I'm going to have to talk to him, and I want to bepositive there isn't anything else going on while I'm phased. Give me a break, Jacob. You can phase in front of me. Despite my best efforts, I've seen you naked before – doesn't do much forme, so no worries. I'm not trying to protect the innocence of your eyes, I'm trying to protect our backs. Get out of here. Leah snorted once and then launched herself into the forest. I could hear her claws cutting into the soil, pushing her faster. Nudity was an inconvenient but unavoidable part of pack life. We'd all thought nothing of it before Leah came along. Then it got awkward. Leah had average control when it came to her temper – it took her the usual length of time to stop exploding out of her clothes every time she got pissed. We'd all caught a glimpse. And it wasn't like she wasn't worth looking at; it was just that it was so not worth it when she caught you thinking about it later. Jared and the others were staring at the place where she'd disappeared into the brush with wary expressions. â€Å"Where's she going?†Jared asked. I ignored him, closing my eyes and pulling myself together again. It felt like the air was trembling around me, shaking out from me in small waves. I lifted myself up on my hind legs, catching the moment just right so that I was fully upright as I shimmered down into my human self. â€Å"Oh,†Jared said. â€Å"Hey, Jake.†â€Å"Hey, Jared.†â€Å"Thanks for talking to me.†â€Å"Yeah.†â€Å"We want you to come back, man.†Quil whined again. â€Å"I don't know if it's that easy, Jared.†â€Å"Come home,†he said, leaning forward. Pleading. â€Å"We can sort this out. You don't belong here. Let Seth and Leah come home, too.†I laughed. â€Å"Right. Like I haven't been begging them to do that from hour one.†Seth snorted behind me. Jared assessed that, his eyes cautious again. â€Å"So, what now, then?†I thought that over for a minute while he waited. â€Å"I don't know. But I'm not sure things could just go back to normal anyway, Jared. I don't know how it works – it doesn't feel like I can just turn this Alpha thing off and on as the mood strikes. It feels sort of permanent.†â€Å"You still belong with us.†I raised my eyebrows. â€Å"Two Alphas can't belong in the same place, Jared. Remember how close it got last night? The instinct is too competitive.†â€Å"So are you all just going to hang out with the parasites for the rest of your lives?†he demanded. â€Å"You don't have a home here. You're already out of clothes,†he pointed out. â€Å"You gonna stay wolf all the time? You know Leah doesn't like eating that way.†â€Å"Leah can do whatever she wants when she gets hungry. She's here by her own choice. I'm not telling anyone what to do.†Jared sighed. â€Å"Sam is sorry about what he did to you.†I nodded. â€Å"I'm not angry anymore.†â€Å"But?†â€Å"But I'm not coming back, not now. We're going to wait and see how it plays out, too. And we're going to watch out for the Cullens for as long as that seems necessary. Because, despite what you think, this isn't just about Bella. We're protecting those who should be protected. And that applies to the Cullens, too.†At least a fair number of them, anyway. Seth yelped softly in agreement. Jared frowned. â€Å"I guess there's nothing I can say to you, then.†â€Å"Not now. We'll see how things go.†Jared turned to face Seth, concentrating on him now, separate from me. â€Å"Sue asked me to tell you – no, to beg you – to come home. She's brokenhearted, Seth. All alone. I don't know how you and Leah can do this to her. Abandon her this way, when your dad just barely died – â€Å" Seth whimpered. â€Å"Ease up, Jared,†I warned. â€Å"Just letting him know how it is.†I snorted. â€Å"Right.†Sue was tougher than anyone I knew. Tougher than my dad, tougher than me. Tough enough to play on her kids' sympathies if that's what it took to get them home. But it wasn't fair to work Seth that way. â€Å"Sue's known about this for how many hours now? And most of that time spent with Billy and Old Quil and Sam? Yeah, I'm sure she's just perishing of loneliness. ‘Course you're free to go if you want, Seth. You know that.†Seth sniffed. Then, a second later, he cocked an ear to the north. Leah must be close. Jeez, she was fast. Two beats, and Leah skidded to a stop in the brush a few yards away. She trotted in, taking the point in front of Seth. She kept her nose in the air, very obviously not looking in my direction. I appreciated that. â€Å"Leah?†Jared asked. She met his gaze, her muzzle pulling back a little over her teeth. Jared didn't seem surprised by her hostility. â€Å"Leah, you know you don't want to be here.†She snarled at him. I gave her a warning glance she didn't see. Seth whined and nudged her with his shoulder. â€Å"Sorry,†Jared said. â€Å"Guess I shouldn't assume. But you don't have any ties to the bloodsuckers.†Leah very deliberately looked at her brother and then at me. â€Å"So you want to watch out for Seth, I get that,†Jared said. His eyes touched my face and then went back to hers. Probably wondering about that second look – just like I was. â€Å"But Jake's not going to let anything happen to him, and he's not afraid to be here.†Jared made a face. â€Å"Anyway, please, Leah. We want you back. Sam wants you back.†Leah's tail twitched. â€Å"Sam told me to beg. He told me to literally get down on my knees if I have to. He wants you home, Lee-lee, where you belong.†I saw Leah flinch when Jared used Sam's old nickname for her. And then, when he added those last three words, her hackles rose and she was yowling a long stream of snarls through her teeth. I didn't have to be in her head to hear the cussing-out she was giving him, and neither did he. You could almost hear the exact words she was using. I waited till she was done. â€Å"I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that Leah belongs wherever she wants to be.†Leah growled, but, as she was glaring at Jared, I figured it was in agreement. â€Å"Look, Jared, we're still family, okay? We'll get past the feud, but, until we do, you probably ought to stick to your land. Just so there aren't misunderstandings. Nobody wants a family brawl, right? Sam doesn't want that, either, does he?†â€Å"Of course, not,†Jared snapped. â€Å"We'll stick to our land. But where is your land, Jacob? Is it vampire land?†â€Å"No, Jared. Homeless at the moment. But don't worry – this isn't going to last forever.†I had to take a breath. â€Å"There's not that much time†¦ left. Okay? Then the Cullens will probably go, and Seth and Leah will come home.†Leah and Seth whined together, their noses turning my direction in synchronization. â€Å"And what about you, Jake?†â€Å"Back to the forest, I think. I can't really stick around La Push. Two Alphas means too much tension. ‘Sides, I was headed that way anyway. Before this mess.†â€Å"What if we need to talk?†Jared asked. â€Å"Howl – but watch the line, ‘kay? We'll come to you. And Sam doesn't need to send so many. We aren't looking for a fight.†Jared scowled, but nodded. He didn't like me setting conditions for Sam. â€Å"See you around, Jake. Or not.†He waved halfheartedly. â€Å"Wait, Jared. Is Embry okay?†Surprise crossed his face. â€Å"Embry? Sure, he's fine. Why?†â€Å"Just wondering why Sam sent Collin.†I watched his reaction, still suspicious that something was going on. I saw knowledge flash in his eyes, but it didn't look like the kind I was expecting. â€Å"That's not really your business anymore, Jake.†â€Å"Guess not. Just curious.†I saw a twitch from the corner of my eye, but I didn't acknowledge it, because I didn't want to give Quil away. He was reacting to the subject. â€Å"I'll let Sam know about your†¦ instructions. Goodbye, Jacob.†I sighed. â€Å"Yeah. Bye, Jared. Hey, tell my dad that I'm okay, will you? And that I'm sorry, and that I love him.†â€Å"I'll pass that along.†â€Å"Thanks.†â€Å"C'mon, guys,†Jared said. He turned away from us, heading out of sight to phase because Leah was here. Paul and Collin were right on his heels, but Quil hesitated. He yelped softly, and I took a step toward him. â€Å"Yeah, I miss you, too, bro.†Quil jogged over to me, his head hanging down morosely. I patted his shoulder. â€Å"It'll be okay.†He whined. â€Å"Tell Embry I miss having you two on my flanks.†He nodded and then pressed his nose to my forehead. Leah snorted. Quil looked up, but not at her. He looked back over his shoulder at where the others had gone. â€Å"Yeah, go home,†I told him. Quil yelped again and then took off after the others. I'd bet Jared wasn't waiting super-patiently. As soon as he was gone, I pulled the warmth from the center of my body and let it surge through my limbs. In a flash of heat, I was on four legs again. Thought you were going to make out with him,Leah snickered. I ignored her. Was that okay?I asked them. It worried me, speaking for them that way, when I couldn't hear exactly what they were thinking. I didn't want to assume anything. I didn't want to be like Jared that way. Did I say anything you didn't want me to? Did I not say something I should have? You did great, Jake!Seth encouraged. You could have hit Jared,Leah thought. wouldn't have minded that. I guess we know why Embry wasn't allowed to come,Seth thought. I didn't understand. Not allowed? Jake, didya see Quil? He's pretty torn up, right? I'd put ten to one that Embry's even more upset And Embry doesn't have a Claire. There's no way Quil can just pick up and walk away from La Push. Embry might So Sam's not going to take any chances on him getting convinced to jump ship. He doesn't want our pack any bigger than it is now. Really? You think? I doubt Embry would mind shredding some Cullens. But he's your best friend, Jake. He and Quil would rather stand behind you than face you in a fight. Well, I'm glad Sam kept him home, then. This pack is big enough.I sighed. Okay, then. So we're good, for now. Seth, you mind keeping an eye on things for a while? Leah and I both need to crash. This felt on the level, but who knows? Maybe it was a distraction. I wasn't always so paranoid, but I remembered the feel of Sam's commitment. The total one-track focus on destroying the danger he saw. Would he take advantage of the fact that he could lie to us now? No problem!Seth was only too eager to do whatever he could. You want me to explain to the Cullens? They're probably still kinda tense. I got it. I want to check things out anyway. They caught the whir of images from my fried brain. Seth whimpered in surprise. Ew. Leah whipped her head back and forth like she was trying to shake the image out of her mind. That is easily the freakin' grossest thing I've heard in my life. Yuck. If there was anything in my stomach, it would be coming back. Theyare vampires, I guess, Seth allowed after a minute, compensating for Leah's reaction. mean, it makes sense. And if it helps Bella, it's a good thing, right? Both Leah and I stared at him. What? Mom dropped him a lot when he was a baby,Leah told me. On his head, apparently. He used to gnaw on the crib bars, too. Lead paint? Looks like itshe thought. Seth snorted. Funny. Why don't you two shut up and sleep?
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Evaluation Of A Telephone Based Peer Support Intervention...
When nurses understand research, they can begin to implement changes that will benefit client care and outcomes. However, many nurses do not know how to read research studies and are unable to advocate for change in their practice. The purpose of this paper is to critically appraise a research article titled, Quasi-Experimental Evaluation of a Telephone-based Peer Support Intervention for Maternal Depression by Letourneau, N., et al. (2014) by evaluating and critiquing sections of the study. The objective of this paper is to determine if the study provided valid and reliable information that can be used to implement into nursing practice. Research Problem The research problem the researchers are purposing is that there is a need to find acceptable and efficient treatments to prevent the long-term effects of postpartum depression (PPD) in mother-child interaction and the development of the child. This study is essential to nursing because it is nurses that may initially detect PPD in postpartum patients, as well, early detection is crucial to get treatment right away. The nurse can play a significant role in ensuring that his or her patient receives proper treatment. Research Purpose The purpose of the study is to examine TBPS and if it is an effective intervention (independent variable) for mothers with depression (dependent variable) who are one to twenty-four months postpartum. In addition, the researchers are examining the satisfaction level of the TPBS line forShow MoreRelatedSmoking Cessation Of Pregnancy : Review Of Current Strategies9414 Words  | 38 PagesFax: +61299266521 Email: gemma.figtree@sydney.edu.au 7 ABSTRACT: Cigarette smoking in pregnancy is a universal problem that compels us to continuously explore different strategies aimed at increasing high quit rates in this population group. 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They usually don’t have insurance. High mental heath issues in the homeless population. High risk for infections, trauma, violence. Don’t age very well. Where do they seekRead MoreMedical Test with Answers Essay example16933 Words  | 68 Pagesillness and enhance general health and quality of life, such as immunization (A). Health screenings (B and C) are the mainstay of secondary prevention and include interventions designed to increase the probability that disease is diagnosed early when treatment is likely to result in cure. Tertiary prevention (D) includes interventions aimed at disability limitation from disease, injury, or disability. Category: Community Health  ¶ The school nurse is reviewing health risks associated with extracurricularRead MoreHesi Practice31088 Words  | 125 Pages20-year-old mother of a premature newborn smoked cigarettes during her pregnancy. Her son is a client in a neonatal intensive care unit and has a diagnosis of acute respiratory distress syndrome. Because the mother is Roman Catholic, which nursing intervention would be most appropriate for the nurse to discuss with her? A. Baptism of the infant. B. Circumcision of the infant. C. Last rites for the infant. D. Sacraments of the sick for the mother. 10. A client with shock brought on by hemorrhage has aRead MoreComprehensive 1 Essay18452 Words  | 74 Pagesillness and enhance general health and quality of life, such as immunization (A). Health screenings (B and C) are the mainstay of secondary prevention and include interventions designed to increase the probability that disease is diagnosed early when treatment is likely to result in cure. Tertiary preventio n (D) includes interventions aimed at disability limitation from disease, injury, or disability. Category: Community Health Awarded 1.0 points out of 1.0 possible points. 3. 3.ID: 310974983 TheRead Morepreschool Essay46149 Words  | 185 PagesDepartment can be obtained without charge by writing to the CDE Press Sales Office, California Department of Education, 1430 N Street, Suite 3207, Sacramento, CA 95814-5901; faxing to 916-323-0823; or calling the CDE Press Sales Office at the telephone number shown above. Notice The guidance in the California Preschool Learning Foundations (Volume 2) is not binding on local educational agencies or other entities. Except for the statutes, regulations, and court decisions that are referencedRead MoreThe Social Impact of Drug Abuse24406 Words  | 98 Pagesinter-agency group. The names of the organizations that provided information for this paper appear below. The purpose of the paper is twofold: first, to examine the social and economic impact of drug abuse from a broad international perspective. Secondly, based on that analysis, to suggest how problems of drug abuse prevention and control can be addressed in a constructive, coordinated manner. The paper concerns primarily narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances but also includes, where appropriate, information
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